The very drive behind getting up daily still amazes me. The reason is because this site will deal with the very reason I believe in justice. I went back to school to pursue a career to uphold the law and become an investigator. Now I am pursuing a true-life criminal investigation. There were many times I called the police to assist with the crimes being committed but I ran into unanswered questions. However, my attendance at college brings me here to introduce the Pfumper Law and take action.
Since 2012, I have stayed in post-education because the world moves so fast, and knowledge gives you an edge in most industries. Clinical research is also part of my resume. Biology is fascinating to me. I learned much in DNA, laboratory, and some minors. This compliments my criminal compass when looking for clues and evidence. It doesn’t hurt with investigating cases.
Media Toast has been interested in doing social information to inventing a justice site. Graduation in Criminal Law is coming up soon. In addition to writing a new law, there is the hope of finally get out the “Dark Tales” documentary. It’s a docuseries that surrounds the details of what crimes were committed against women. Harassment, bank fraud, and cyber-stalking was the main activity. So laws that spell out the punishment are needed, As our guest, we want you to join in and vote for the Pfumper law. Also, learn from the content.
I want Media Toast to be the backdrop to introduce some interesting stories, developments and political issues and hopefully bring justice where justice is due. Most of all, take a stance, get involved with your local governments, and I thank you for learning about and from the US.